Web Design for Schools in Kenya – Free Web Hosting and SEO
Kenyanlife.com gives all schools in Kenya a very salivating offer of free Web Design. Websites for schools are very important especially for communicating the very essential information about the school like contacts, exam results for students, communication to parents and general public, fee structures etc.
In 2016 the Education CS Dr. Fred Matiang’i challenged all school heads in Kenya to acquire websites for their respective schools. This call from the CS should be taken with the seriousness it deserves because the benefits far out-weighs the cost implications.
The glaring fact is that many schools desire to have websites but the recurrent website budget and its maintenance becomes a challenge and a burden.
Kenyanlife.com wishes to shoulder this burden on behalf of the schools.
We will design and host the websites at ONLY of Ksh. 5000. This Ksh. 5000 will be a one-off payment i.e. the school will not be asked for any other payment forever thereafter by Kenyanlife.com and the websites will be online forever.
The Ksh. 5000 is inclusive of all other things except the purchase domain name. The school will need to acquire its own domain name (.co.ke, .ac.ke and .sc.ke) from Kenic or other domain name registrars to enjoy our free hosting. The .ac.ke and .sc.ke domain names are recommended for schools and academic institutions.
The main condition for enjoying our free hosting and initial web design is to allow us to place our 3 adverts in the website on the banner section (1 banner and 1 link unit), middle of the site (1 Link unit) and at the footer section (1 Link unit). Example of the ad placement is shown in the image below.

The website will be designed using the superior WordPress CMS Platform. The website will be installed with a Search Engine optimisation component to help the website to rank in Google search results.
The requirements we need to fully design the website are:
- Ksh. 5000 to be paid in full upfront before the designing begins
- School Logo (Dimensions of atleast 400×200 pixels)
- School icon 50×50 pixels (for the browser icon)
- School theme colour (Upload a picture with the prefered theme colour esp. the colour of school uniform)
- About us Story, School History
- Contacts
- Photos for the gallery
- Fee Structure
- Mission, Vision & Core Values
- School Motto
- School Clubs and Societies
- Any other message you may want to communicate
Fill the online form with this information and your site will be designed within 1 week
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