Kagua Kiongozi Video Competition by TI Kenya – Transparency international Kenya
Transparency International – Kenya (TI Kenya) have come up with a video competition called Kagua Kiongozi (Vet your Leader). The purpose of this Kagua Kiongozi Video Competition is
- to enhance citizens’ capacity to influence integrity and accountability as constitutional benchmarks for electing leaders.
- Increase awareness on the electoral process, policy and laws and the electoral candidates by the citizenry.
- The winning videos will be used for voter education exercises.
Once you finish making your video clip, send it to TI – Kenya through the email address transparency@tikenya.org.
The video clip should
- Be in MP4 format
- Include your name, Telephone Number, Email address and Name of University.
For more enquiries about the process kindly contact TI- Kenya through 0722296589
Kagua Kiongozi Video Competition Terms and Conditions
You can also read the Terms and Conditions from the website www.tikenya.org
Entry into the Kagua Kiongozi (Vet your leader) 2017 Video Competition is subject to the acceptance of these terms and conditions.
- The competition is open to University students in Nairobi, Machakos and Uasin Gishu Counties.
- Each participant will have one entry.
- Contestants must create a video which will address all the following:
- Vetting of Leaders
- Election Offences
- Voter Rights and Duties
- Women and Youth participation in elections
- Other election themes pertaining to accountability
- The length of the video should be between 30 seconds and 2 minutes
- Videos should be produced in English or Swahili
- The eligibility criteria for the entries are:
- the relevance of the video with regards to the topics
- the length of the video
- the quality of the video
- The final deadline for submitting the video is May 28th 2017
- A jury will decide the winners, based on how well the entries meet the criteria.
- 10 winning videos will be selected and winners will be awarded prizes worth Ksh. 50,000 each
- Winners will receive an e-mail notification from TI-Kenya.
See poster for details and sharing with all university students. The hashtag to use is #KaguaKiongozi

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